Tension continues in this Full Moon podcast with the spiritual T-square in the mutable signs on the nodal axis. Now, add in Uranus in Aries squaring the Sun Moon in Cancer Capricorn and it becomes somewhat understandable why people appear less flexible and more willing to back themselves into their respective camps and corners, avoiding compromise and compassion.
This is the Full Moon of self-responsibility. Saturn is also is forming an applying square to the nodes and is also in a last quarter square to Neptune; a triple emphasis on the self responsibility theme.
However, when we deny that it is us and feel out of control – yes, we are the leading actor in our various personal plays and scenarios – then anger and intolerance will be projected from those unsatisfying experiences causing strife and pain.
The Sun, Mars and Chiron retrograde form a nice trine in water signs, peaking emotions. So decide if you are addicted to the tension and drama or are truly seeking relief. Breathe and know that you control the choice and the outcome on your personal journey to inner peace.

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Length: 00:20:08