Pondering the many paths to inner peace amidst the changing outer landscapes of our time is reflected back to us from the spiritual, mutable T-square of Virgo Jupiter Rx, Neptune, and Mars (stationary retrograde) and Saturn Rx in Sag. We also get to experience a grand trine in Earth, with Mercury in Taurus trine Jupiter Rx in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn stationary retrograde.

Our functional bottom line is this: Grind through the details with absolute intention. Listen acutely to those around you without reaction, while grounding yourself in place for the next couple of months.

Mars Rx in Sag = My personal truth in action. How to I take that to my next level of utter self-reliance?

Pluto Rx in Cap = What deep separating desires related to finances and my stable infrastructure are no longer working?

You may recall that we have had Mercury and the Sun sparking the Uranus – Pluto square. Now Venus will aspect the bass note igniting some feistiness if not downright anger and frustration. She will also activate the fire signs with trines to Mars and Saturn.

Next week also find the Sun’s ingress into Taurus with the mantra: I achieve self-reliance with every metamorphosis.  Breathe deep through this weekend as we experience Mars in Sag and Pluto in Cap beginning their reversal through the heavens over the next few months.

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Length: 00:23:38