“I Align My Will with Divine Will” is the Leo mantra considering Leo has a role in the play however Universal Source remains “in charge”. We have Uranus and Saturn changing directions within a three week period. First, Uranus, retrograde July 29th at 25* Aries for exactly 5 months (SD Dec. 29th, 21* Aries), then Saturn direct August 13 at 10* Sagittarius. This interplay of subconscious emanations filtering into the consciousness demanding change; versus the status quo is the repeating theme as liberation from archaic and rigid beliefs will continue to be realized against equal measures of control and domination. Mars, in balsamic phase to that Sag Saturn, gets closer and closer to their conjunction and will also enter balsamic phase to Pluto on August 3rd. When the planet ruling war and impulse is finishing up 2-year cycles to heavy planets, righteous actions in the name of some personal “god” and the related power struggles will continue until the conjunctions. Saturn conjuncts Mars August 24th at 10* Sag and then Pluto October 19th at 15* Capricorn. As this occurs in the fall, remember the major Capricorn themes of self-responsibility, self-determination, and self-discipline as you refine your never-ending journey to the core of the Soul.

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Length: 00:39:47