The Universal clock is indicating much creativity for all of us tempered with a dose of Virgo discernment. What new efforts need to be made in order to have your desires manifest?
Venus is now freshly a Morning Star rising before the Sun. This, in and of itself, is rather auspicious for new relating to take place just after the conjunction with Mars in late Leo. Are you going to repeat old patterns or will you decide and discern to work on yourself?
Through the holiday weekend, receive the Jupiter in Virgo series with any course Segment purchase and get ready for the fall webinars. You will also receive $50 off any Segment format in our best offer this year to attract new students.
Mars aspects Chiron and Uranus retrograde demanding that actions now be congruent with the highest and best for the Soul.
Learn all about the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Libra by taking our free webinar Monday September 14, 2015 6-8pm MDT. The link is made available when you sign up for Astro News on the bottom of any page of the website. Aloha Uhane’ from EAN.


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Length: 00:31:47