Active Venus is square the Mars Pluto conjunction in Scorpio midweek and that could feel a little irritating for many of us. Venus’ sextile to the north node in Libra brings in all those relating issues so the frustrations we may be feeling are a reminder that we are all a work in progress on our way to unconditional love. Neptune retrograde in Pisces points to the Sun in Virgo and we have ample energy to feel elated on our spiritual path and aha moments help connect us to Source for healing. However, for many, this could also manifest as some resistance to all our work demands. Doesn’t the Universe know that I would rather be at the bar or the beach? Finally, Mercury’s ingress into Libra could actually help us in understanding what our colleagues and partners are really trying to say. Most of us listen not in order to understand but rather in order to reply. Good time to work on that one!  50% off Astro Library subscriptions through August 31 and get a reading with LeRoy for only $75.