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    Hi Kim Marie and MediaMonk – Just a word of complete gratitude and thanks for what you both do. Sometimes I feel like I can’t handle the harsh energy of this world and this life and EA brings me back to center and gives me compassion for my human journey. This shows me there is purpose to everything, and that everyone else is at the stage that they are; nothing more . . . nothing less. I sense compassion for others and through this knowledge I can understand them better.
    Thank you so much! ~ Linda Bolley

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    Forecast for November 6-13, 2014

    With the Sun, Venus and now Mercury in the deeply sensitive sign of Scorpio, we are being asked “How does everything really feel?” Scorpio and Capricorn can spoil the party and cause us to really seriously ponder the choice points that are upon us. The Mars Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is demanding that we put our energy where it will sustain those goals we are to be working on. This is a new two year cycle re-birthing that desire nature within. Neptune and Chiron will soon be direct in Pisces. Your deepest beliefs that have been reviewed for the last five months are to guide you in this very important time. Venus conjunct Saturn waxing square Jupiter will help us to decide what is is that we truly want to act upon and resolve to complete. Lastly, Mercury’s waning trine to Neptune will serve as a relief valve for deep inspiration. Just ask source what is in your highest and best interests and then pay attention to catch all the glorious synchronicities that appear in your life!

    Forecast for October 30 – November 6, 2014

    All Hallows Eve and Scorpio provide the natural time to communicate with our ancestors and relatives on the other side. Mercury’s now racing over all those late Libra points and will enter Scorpio next week. The time is ripe to refine our inner conversations with self and then improve our outer relating with others. Mars’ waning sextile to Neptune reminds us to act upon those ideas that are most valuable for our spiritual growth. Mars is also in balsamic phase to Pluto in Cap releasing many worn out desires into consciousness to shed. We will collectively re-birth our desire nature mid-November. The Sun and Venus in Scorpio are traveling close together aspecting Chiron. Are your emotional undercurrents at odds with yourself and who you appear to be? As Venus becomes an evening star again November 5th, the time is ripe for congruency with our essential needs and our emotions. Finally, Saturn will reach its balsamic phase with its waning semi-square to Pluto. Between now and next summer, we are all challenged to let go of all old worn out realities. The tendency to stay stuck is great. These two power planets could generate big collective shifts on the horizon and into late summer 2015. By the way, All segments have been re-priced on the website and the MultiMedia Course sale is extended until Mars/Pluto conjunction November 10. No coupon code is needed. The Four Elements series also begins November 5th.

    Forecast for October 16-23, 2014

    The inner planets are marching along in late Libra together between a Lunar and a Solar eclipse. Lots of yang type energy swirling about so be intentional with your expressions. Celebrate Mercury’s conjunction to the Sun (Oct. 16) right on the north node pulling us forward in new ways of listening before communicating. Mercury’s waxing sextile to Jupiter in Leo will reveal how well we have established our self love. Listen and watch for that next creative spark to appear and it just may just be in the form of a new love interest. At any rate, with the inner planets kiting on the grand fire trine in the sky, your Soul’s deepest desires have ample energy to manifest. This has been a strong retrograde period for many. Keep doing the inner work and feel abundant and joyful as you tap in to your next expansion.  Save $50 off any segment using coupon code – course – at checkout. Remember to subscribe to the RSS feed from our podcast page on the website as our new iTunes link will take many months to be re-validated.

    Forecast for October 9-16, 2014

    Mercury will actually spend 55 days in the expressive sign of Libra before he enters Scorpio November 8. This is an important re-evaluation time on what actually works and what does not work in relating patterns. Venus on the north node opposing Uranus activates the waxing square bass note to Pluto. Uranus and the south node conjunction will reveal the old filters you use so sharpen up those inner conversations and watch the results. We are all being asked to move ourselves along on the evolutionary scale this north node eclipse season. Venus’ aspects to Pluto will demand that we release old values that no longer serve and the waxing sextile to an activated Jupiter in Leo will renovate new ones. Remember to subscribe to the RSS feed from our podcast page on the website as our new iTunes link will take many months to be validated.

    Forecast for October 2-9, 2014

    Mars in Sag (September 13 – October 26) is active this week and demands that all those creative ideas being sparked into consciousness must be acted upon intentionally. Are you searching for the deeper understandings? Mars’ waning square to Chiron will keep it real. Mercury is stationary retrograde (Oct. 4 – 25) and is also very active with aspects to Mars, Neptune and Chiron. In a nut shell, a lot of yang, excitable energy in the sky with the creative fire trine of Jupiter, Mars and Uranus and retrograde Mercury. Make sure to breathe and take all those Uranian insights and Jupiterian inspirations to higher levels of manifestation in your life. Finally, Our full moon in Aries is indeed a lunar eclipse opposing the Uranus/south node conjunction. Remember, we are in a north node eclipse season pulling us all forward from the old ways and habits. Those mini-identity crises from the past let us know how far we have come and how much we have grown on this journey to the core of the Soul. You may still enroll for all or parts of the 7 educational webinars in the Fall series. Look for the Four Elements in November and feel free to purchase the Cardinal Modality PDF recently posted for immediate viewing on the Educational Webinars page. iTunes subscribers are encouraged to re-subscribe on our website to continue receiving these free podcasts. We will discontinue our iTunes feed so go to our podcast page now and look for the Subscribe Now button.

    Forecast for September 25 – October 2, 2014

    How are your values re-shaping your relationships? Venus in Libra will assist and along with Mercury in Scorpio turning stationary retrograde, you will be able to sense your way through as you trust your instincts. Jupiter continues to be the focal point for growth. The waxing trine to Uranus is full of inspiration and with Mars in Sag, this fire trine energy will bring sparks of genius and you must act upon them. However, Jupiter also remains the apex of a Yod formation to Chiron and Pluto so push through any self doubt and the rewards will be yours. Our Autumnal Webinar Sequence on the Modalities and the Elements begins soon. Visit the Educational Webinars page and join Astro News for details.

    Forecast for September 18-25, 2014

    Mercury has touched the north node in Libra and now moves through its first shadow for its upcoming retrograde October 4-25 from 2 degrees Scorpio to 16 Libra. All our relationship communications will be challenged so make the effort to listen and understand beyond the spoken word. Venus in Virgo waning sextile to Saturn in Scorpio requires responsibility in every way possible. No excuses. Mars in Sag will make a last quarter square to Neptune in Pisces. Honesty in all actions will be necessary to avoid being exposed in a lie. The Libra mantra is “I balance a diversity of relationships with my own initiative.” Pay attention to reunions, spontaneous meetings and chance communications. There is a message in all of our encounters. Finally, Pluto direct at 14 Capricorn on the Fall equinox. Make time to get in touch with You on a Soul level through quiet reflection, meditation or prayer. Review the Pluto Retrograde webinar on our forecasting webinar page or Section 3 of the Astro Library.

    Forecast for September 10-17, 2014

    Uranus and Mercury will be sparking the nodal axis bringing opportunity to figure out what emotional triggers remain. Are we still feeling angry and defensive? Wise to look for ways to really understand the sacred other at home and at work. Speaking of wisdom, Mars in Sagittarius will certainly provide some inspiration. Good time for a vision quest or perhaps just a simple journey to some sacred outdoor spot near you. Finally, Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and makes a last quarter square to Pluto in Capricorn standing still stationary direct. This is the time to review our values on the deepest levels and reap rewards. Are you being realistic with your resources? Dream all you want, but you remain your number one resource and you now have a great mix of planetary energies to manifest it all. Free Mercury Retrograde live webinar Sept. 29 at 6-8pm MDT. Must be on Astro News list to get the links.

    Forecast for September 4-10, 2014

    A very active Harvest Moon (Pisces) and with the outer planets retrograde and two Yod formations, there is plenty of energy in the sky. Jupiter in Leo is making a waning inconjunct to Pluto. These are the outer, societal adjustments manifesting as incessant feedback from supervisors or tests on how far we can go. Objectify rather than personalize if you are experiencing power limitations. Later this month, Jupiter’s waxing inconjunct to Chiron will help us go deeper for personal revelations freeing up any remnants of victimization. Mercury will make three waxing sextiles to Jupiter over the course of its next retrograde emphasizing integrated communications. Finally, Venus in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces. Are you idealizing love in your life by seeing only the potential in your partners? Stay appreciative of yourself and others but get real if it is not working. Save the date: Free Mercury Rx webinar – September 29, 6-8 pm MDT. Get on Astro News list for details.

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