The New Moon in Sagittarius invites us to renew our search for higher levels of truth in our lives. The Sun in Sagittarius mantra: “I understand the relativity of truth with others”.
For this period of time, however, Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are the focal points in our evolution as Jupiter will enter Capricorn on Dec. 2nd and Neptune and Chiron are stationary direct within two weeks of one another.
Please consider mapping out the middle degrees of the mutable signs and the early degrees of the cardinal signs for your most imminent effects. Of course, StarLady will be available to consult with you. Go to the personal consultations page under the Forecasts tab on the homepage and purchase that product. Offer ends Nov. 30th. Applying coupon code – capricorn – at checkout and MediaMonk will call you with suggested times.
Venus then Jupiter will make last quarter squares to Chiron at 1* Aries so new ways of addressing our own self-healing are on the horizon. How best can you take self-responsibility in your next steps on that path?
Capricorn energy always demand a stable, “boots on the ground” approach. However, with Jupiter there, we may get to experience a loss or temporary setback before filling up the space again.
Neptune in Pisces will certainly exacerbate this process so watch for weak boundaries, illusions, deceptive practices or naivete’ to enter the picture.
This could also manifest as a lost identity. On that note, we ask for your patience as we continue the recovery process of our popular You Tube channel, Evolutionary AstroNet. In the meantime, go to the Free Astrology Forecast page and listen to/subscribe to the StarLady Soul-Reader Network there or listen in on iTunes by searching for “StarLady” in audio podcasts.
Kim Marie and LeRoy wish all of our Associates, listeners, and other astro-geeks a Blessed and Gratitude filled holiday on this always purposeful, yet sometimes frustrating, journey to the core of the Soul.


Forecast for Nov 27 – Dec 12, 2019

Length: 00:31:00