It now becomes all about Sag. Sagittarius New Moon with Venus and Sun there helps us to understand and intuit larger cosmological truths. So go deep in your quest and ask how to become a creative beacon in the Universe. That search is better than being a blowhard know-it-all which can certainly become a lesser manifestation. Mercury square Jupiter is helping us find new ways to process information as well, so, a lot is opening up right now. Chiron, in tandem with Neptune, will go stationary direct in Pisces squaring the inner planets in Sag. Plenty of opportunity for personal truths and Universal truths to be integrated. Finally, Mercury is active with a waning sextile to Mars and a first quarter square to Jupiter before it conjuncts Saturn in serious Scorpio. Make the most of your communications by measuring those words and feeling the intention beyond them. Be grateful this holiday and join us for the forecasting webinars in December. $15 off AstroLibrary using coupon code – streamastro.