Mercury in Sagittarius will lighten up our holiday weekend and with Mercury’s square to Neptune direct in Pisces, invite yourself to look for deeper meaning. “What is it that I need to understand more fully on my way to unconditional love?” Mars will make a waxing, action-oriented sextile to Saturn in late Scorpio. Be aware of past actions and vow not to repeat negative and dispirited patterns of behavior. If you begin to realize a Deja Vu moment that feels off, stop and consciously shift. Speaking of Saturn, we are culminating a long transit through intense Scorpio. Saturn is also making two significant waning, yin aspects to Pluto and Uranus. Saturn’s waning semi-square to Pluto in Cap is the apex of  recent recognitions that most external authoritarian and power institutions are under severe stress. The analogy in the physical world may just be our crumbling infrastructure, roads and bridges. Saturn waning sesquiquadrate to Uranus next week highlights continuing social unrest at home and abroad, as well as all of the resource wars that are affecting us economically. These waning aspects of Saturn to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are undeniably changing our collective landscape in how we will view the world for some time to come. Kim Marie and I  are grateful for the opportunity to study and learn with you. Search the website for some 80 products at 50% off through the weekend and blessings to you and yours this holiday season.